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Read all about it! Local Plan consultation comments ready to view

All the comments we received during our recent Local Plan consultation are now ready to read.  

The Draft Local Plan consultation ran between 22 January and 8 March and invited residents to give us their views on policies and proposed development sites. 

Comments were invited using the consultation platform - and these comments have been available to view since the close of the consultation and remain so here

We also accepted comments submitted by email and by letter. These comments have been read and collated and are now on our website. Visit our website to view the comments. 

2357 people responded on our consultation website. They submitted 8109 comments and agreements 

On email, we received comments from; 

23 statutory consultees 

36 interest groups 

326 individuals 

17 East Hampshire parish and town councils 

91 industry professionals (developers, planning agents, land agents and landowners) 

1 petition 

Posted on 26th April 2024

by East Hampshire District Council